Welcome to the new SUNation Solar Systems Website

Welcome to the new SUNation Solar Systems Website 10/18/2012 Our redesigned home page includes quickly accessible tabs for selecting the type of solar installation you are interested in: residential, commercial, thermal and municipal. From the home page just click on one of the tabs in green at the left of your screen and you’ll be taken to the correct page”_with no more searching for the information you need. From there, look to the right”_our gallery and references are available by clicking on the link. Browse some of the over 700 installations we’ve completed on Long Island since 2003. Found a picture you want to show your spouse, friend, or co-worker? That’s easy! Just click the mail symbol in the upper right of the picture and send it away! Want to know more about solar? Click on the “Discover Solar” tab for a brief explanation. For more detailed information give one of our sales representatives a call at 631-750-9454 or e-mail info@sunationsolarsystems.com. Looking for solar rebates, specials and promotions? Check out the lower right side of the home page. We are constantly negotiating with our manufacturers so check back often to see the most recent price changes. And be sure to look here in January when LIPA announces their rebate changes! Wondering if solar is right for you? SUNation can help you get the most for your money. Call us now and get all your paperwork in order before the end of the year. And go to our “Pricing” page to see a pricing example using SunPower 327 watt modules. These prices are subject to change but you can see the breakdown from the retail price to what you actually pay after rebates and tax incentives. Where else can you see a return on investment of 21%!!!! Need to see photos or references? One of the most important and interesting things on our website is the gallery and references page. With oversized images you can easily see the Long Island solar installations we’ve completed to get a clear vision of what solar is all about! Want to get social? Our new site has quick links to our Facebook, LinkedIn and YouTube pages. Join us! We welcome all to our SUNation family and look forward to having you join us in the solar revolution! Have a question? Visit the “FAQ” page or follow Question #8 and you can e-mail or call us with any questions (631-750-9454 or info@sunationsolarsystems.com.) All SUNation staff members are knowledgeable on our solar products and can answer your questions. Our sales representatives are available by cell phone and our office staff can refer you to the representative for your area.

The Sunation Blog

On The Rise Podcast Interviews SUNation CEO Scott Maskin

Recently SUNation CEO Scott Maskin sat with the On The Rise Podcast (exclusively on the Nexus Radio Network) to discuss what …


An Update for Level Solar Customers

On October 12th, SUNation agreed to take over the all service functions for Level Solar following the sudden closure of …


Heart of SUNation Honored With NDEAM Champions Award

Each year the The Corporate Source, in conjunction with US Department of Labor’s Office of Disability Employment Policy’s National Disability Employment …